Chances are that you’ve seen plenty of hydraulic jumps in your life, whether they were in your kitchen sink, the whitewater of a river, or at the bottom of a spillway. Practical Engineering has a great primer on this oddity of open channel flow.
When water (or other liquids) flow with a surface open to the air – think like a river rather than a pipe – the flow has three important regimes: subcritical, critical, and supercritical. Which state the flow is in depends on the speed of the flow compared to the speed of a wave traveling in that flow. If the waves are faster than the flow, we call it subcritical. If the flow is faster than the waves, it’s called supercritical. (This is equivalent to subsonic or supersonic flow, where the regime depends on the flow speed compared to the speed of sound.)
Flows can transition naturally from one state to another, and where they transition from fast, supercritical flow to slower, subcritical flow, we find hydraulic jumps – places where the kinetic energy of the supercritical flow gets changed into turbulence and potential energy through a change in height. Check out the video above to learn how civil engineers use hydraulic jumps to control water and erosion. (Video and image credit: Practical Engineering)

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