Sunday, January 5, 2014

Saudia 767 Suffers Partial Gear Failure, Lands Right Main Gear Up

قبل قليل حادث طائرة الخطوط السعودية بمطار الأمير محمد بن عبدالعزيز بالمدينه المنورة يتبع

— عبدالمجيد الحربي (@jeedo111) January 5, 2014

Early Sunday morning in the city of Medina, Saudi Arabia, a Saudi Airlines Boeing 767-300 suffered a failure of it’s main right landing gear and preformed a partial gear up landing.

Video shows that the aircraft touched down and created a stream of sparks as it dragged down the runway. Initial reports say that up to 29 of the 315 passengers and crew on board from northeastern Iranian city of Mashhad were injured, 11 of which were taken to the hospital.

Saudia does not actually own any Boeing 767′s, rather, this aircraft was leased to supplement its own fleet, but is in full Saudi livery.

Saudia has issued the following statement:

A rented Saudi Arabian Airlines plane, Boeing 767, had a minor accident at Madinah Airport at 4:15 a.m. on Sunday (January 5, 2014) while it was operating Flight No. 4841 from the Iranian city of Mashhad to the Saudi city carrying 299 passengers and a crew of 16.

“The accident occurred due to a technical fault of the aircraft’s landing gear,” an informed source at SAUDIA said. “This situation forced the pilot to conduct an emergency landing,” the source added.
As a result of emergency landing, 29 passengers suffered injuries, with 17 of them having minor injuries and were treated at the airport while 12 others were taken to hospital and most of them have left hospital after receiving treatment.

However, the source pointed out that the condition of three passengers was unstable.

“SAUDIA expresses its deep sorrow to all the injured passengers as a result of the accident and pray to Allah the Almighty that He may provide them with speedy recovery,” the source said.

The source emphasized SAUDIA’s efforts to ensure the safety and security of passengers by adopting the best safety measures on its flights. “These accidents occur to any airline company in the world,” the source said while commending the measures taken by the crew to face such difficult situations.

The source said all flights to and from Prince Mohammed International Airport in Madinah have been suspended for 24 hours until it is fully prepared to receive flights.

An emergency committee has been formed under the chairmanship of the president of Saudi Airlines Company to follow the condition of passengers on the flight, provide alternative flight for them and make sure the passengers received the best care. The committee will work around the clock.

The post Saudia 767 Suffers Partial Gear Failure, Lands Right Main Gear Up appeared first on Airchive.

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