Tuesday, November 26, 2013

It Happened In Dubai

What a week in Dubai. Boeing launched its next big widebody program, the 777X. The 'big three' Persian Gulf carriers lived up to their promises, placing the largest aircraft orders to date, including deals for 200 Boeing 777Xs worth close to $100 billion. And for Airbus, Emirates stabilized a shaky A380 order book with a deal for 50 of the type. 

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Read the Nov. 25 edition of Aviation Week & Space Technology for our analysis of the Dubai air show, including a lowdown of the 777X program, a Q&A with Emirates President Tim Clark and a look at the influence the 'big three' carriers have on airframe and engine manufacturers. 

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Also, watch this video of senior editor Guy Norris highlighting the 777X's features:

Why Emirates' Tim Clark is calling for longer-term fuel burn improvements on the Airbus A380:

And how Emirates helped give Boeing the confidence in its ability to launch the 777X:

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