Alaska Airlines is the latest carrier to order the Aviation Partners Boeing Scimitar split winglets. Here is the press release. United Airlines was the launch customer for the Scimitar.
Alaska Airlines image.
The Scimitar provides additional fuel burn savings over the blended winglet, also created by APB. The blended winglet has been retrofitted to most Boeing 737NGs, some Classics and some Boeing 757s and 767-300ERs.
Boeing has adopted a split winglet for the 737 MAX, but of its own design, which is similar in look to the APB Scimitar. APB’s cost for the Scimitar is a list price of $545,000 for the 737-800-3, a designation for the Scimitary-equipped 737-800.
Range increase in nominal over the blended winglet, according to APB.
Here are APB’s charts showing the advantage of the Scimitar over the blended winglets:

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