Thursday, June 27, 2013

Riding on Air - Airbus Fly Your Ideas Winners

An air-cushion luggage loading and unloading system for aircraft cargo compartments won a team of students from the University for Sao Paulo the €30,000 first prize in Airbus’s Fly Your Ideas competition, supported by UNESCO.

Concept: Airbus

Inspired  by an air-hockey table, Team Levar’s concept is for a luggage pallet that slides up and down the cargo compartment on a cushion of compressed air, reducing the physical effort required to handle baggage and speeding the loading and unloading of aircraft.

The winning team comprises Marcos Philipson, Leonardo Akamatsu, Adriano Furtado and Caio Reis, all studying design at the University of São Paulo, and Henrique Corazza studying at Loughborough University in the UK.

The runner-up prize of €15,000 went to Team CLiMA from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia, for their proposal for aircraft fueled by a blend of liquefied biomethane and liquefied natural gas.

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