Enemy rockets go up. ADAM makes'em go down... safely and in a grand explosion of fire. That's the name of Lockheed Martin's Area Defense Anti-Munitions system, or badass laser for short (to us, anyway), created to intercept and "negate" airborne rockets and drones. The aerospace company's been testing its portable, prototype system -- built with off-the-shelf parts -- since last summer, successfully proving ADAM's capability in detecting aerial threats at a distance of 5km or more and then obliterating those targets with its finely trained laser, or HEL beam (no, really), once they're within a 2km range. But why waste time with words when the the company's own slo-mo video paints a more vivid, shock and awe-some picture. Check it out after the break.
Filed under: Robots
Source: Lockheed Martin
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