Monday, December 17, 2012

Covered Electric Motorcycle (Or Scooter) That Can’t Be Knocked Down — Lit Motors C-1

Covered Electric Motorcycle (Or Scooter) That Can’t Be Knocked Down — Lit Motors C-1:

Is It A Motorcycle Or A Car?

Lit Motors founder Daniel Kim views his inviting creation, the C-1, as a vehicle that offers the driver “…the romance of the motorcycle with the safety and comfort of a car.”
The C-1 is self-balancing, using the same technology as used in the International Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope – gyroscopes. This electric motorcycle of sorts stands up by itself and the claim is that it would take “a baby elephant to push or knock it over.” In tests, even a SUV cannot push it over.

A Mature Design

In a BBC interview, Brian Cooley points out, if you begin to doubt it, you cannot put your foot on the ground, so Lit Motors is asking the customer for a lot of faith to participate in the ride. No problem, due to Kim and the whole Lit Motors crew, this design can be trusted, and faith and desire is what many customers do have.
There is a waiting list for the C-1 and folks have already paid deposits on the vehicle. They fall in love with the glowing, ecologically friendly, streamlined sci-fi-styled body of the vehicle. Customers identify with the “gleaming in all of its white glory” mature design and economical ideology of the machine.

Considered a mature design, the C-1 (which we actually wrote about almost a year ago — see that link) is a realized equation to meet the needs of a class of people in their 20s and 30s who are thinking differently about transit. For that matter this vehicle is designed to meet the needs of most of us.

Cut Your Car In Half

Kim points out the timely nuances of this electric vehicle, with 1300 ft/lbs of torque. The C-1, along with bicycles and better mass transit, will help to trim the fat in transportation systems.
It is certain that if one is not using mass transit or a bike, one is most often alone in a car. This machine gives the driver an option of cutting their car in half.

I often watch a motorcyclist whizzing by and feel a bit envious. Motorcycles have so much wonderful mobility. However, they also have too much speed and risk for me without a protective covering. Still, I appreciate the fuel they save, the money they save, the flexibility they have in traffic, and I wish to experience the adventure of their ride. Now freedom lovers and conservative drivers alike may meet in an innovative choice for sharing the road.
Commuters, motorcyclists, and common folks craving good change can reserve your 2014 C-1 for as little as $250.
Covered Electric Motorcycle (Or Scooter) That Can’t Be Knocked Down — Lit Motors C-1 was originally published on: CleanTechnica

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