Friday, February 17, 2012

Avenger Redux -- Second Predator C Flies

Avenger Redux -- Second Predator C Flies: General Atomics Aeronautical Systems has flown the second jet-powered Predator C, aka Avenger. Tail 2 first flew on Jan 12 at Gray Butte in California and is 4 ft. longer than the first aircraft, to accommodate larger payloads and more fuel.

blog post photo
Photo: General Atomics Aeronautical Systems

GA-ASI says the second Avenger "refines the first prototype design to an operational capability" -- the Pentagon revealed in December it is buying a single Avenger for deployment to Afghanistan to act as a testbed for next-generation UAS sensors, weapons and operations.

The Pratt & Whitney Canada PW545-powered Avenger is 44 ft. long, with a 66 ft. wingspan, and has a top speed exceeding 400 kt. and endurance of more than 16 hours. The aircraft can carry 3,500lb internally, plus weapons up to 2,000 lb. JDAM class on wing hardpoints, GA-ASI says.

Two more aircraft are under construction, the company says, with Tail 3 to fly by late summer and Tail 4 early in 2013.

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