Saturday, February 11, 2012

A380: Type 1 vs Type 2 Cracks

In the run up to the Singapore air show, there has been much talk about the A380 and cracks in the wing rib-feet. The entire issue of the cracks has a local flavor, because concerns about the L-shaped component was first discovered on an A380 under maintenance in Singapore.

To help illustrate the problem, Doric Asset Finance -- owner of several A380s -- has issued a document detailing what is going on, including the following pictures/illustrations that help to explain what is being looked at.

First, an A380 wing under inspection:  

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Below, an illustation of how the wing rib-feet (one circled in red) attach to the rib:

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Below the Type 1 crack. These were the initial cracks found on the Qantas A380 being fixed in Singapore after its November 4, 2010 Trent 900 uncontained engine failure. The crack occurs at the bolt hole (circled in red). These are subject to an Airbus service bulletin: 

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Below the Type 2 cracks of the wing rib-feet. The cracks occur in a different section of the component (see circle). These are subject to the EASA airworthiness directive that was recently expanded to call for inspections of all A380s:
blog post photo
from Things With Wings 

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