Saturday, January 14, 2012

How Long Does it Take to Build a Boeing 777?

How Long Does it Take to Build a Boeing 777?:
Taken in February 2011 inside the Boeing Factory, this 777-300ER is the 24th 777 for Qatar.

Taken in February 2011 inside the Boeing Factory, this 777-300ER is the 24th 777 for Qatar.

So how long does it take Boeing to build a 777? That was a question emailed to me by reader Ron Thomas and I realized I did not know. I posed the question to Boeing on how long it takes for a 777 to be built and out of the factory, how long it takes to be painted and then how much longer before actually being delivered to a customer. I decided to share the answers.

Of course depending on the paint job and possible issues, these numbers can change, but this is based on the average build for a 777:

From first part to out of the Boeing factory in Everett: 49 days

Time in the paint booth: 4 additional days

Flights and testing: About 30 additional days

Total from first part to delivery: About 83 days — less than three months.

That truly is beyond impressive and if you have ever taken a tour of the Boeing factory, you know that they make it look so easy.

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