There’s nothing like getting up at 3:30am on a cold, frosty morning to catch a flight. But when that flight happens to be my very first time flying on the 787 Dreamliner, I didn’t need to hit the snooze button. In fact, I could barely sleep thinking about the first leg of our 787 Dream Tour to Beijing.

Taking off for the Dream Tour. Next stop, Beijing.
We got off to a bit of a late start but managed to make up a lot of time. In fact, I was able to snap a photo as we passed a 747 in the air. Not something you see every day.
View from the cockpit as we pass a 747.
What I was looking forward to the most was getting a better feel for the 787. This is just an incredible machine. The wing is absolutely beautiful. The ride of the aircraft is amazing. It really is true about the lower cabin altitude and the feeling of being more refreshed when you land. Simply said, it’s all I thought it would be and more.

What a wing!
Showing cabin altitude at 5400 feet, while the airplane is flying 38,000 feet.
With only 30 of us on board for the flight to Beijing, I had lots of opportunity to walk around and talk with my colleagues. Chinese noodles and fortune cookies were appropriately served.
Time for lunch!
As you can imagine, we arrived to a lot of fanfare in Beijing. More than 1500 people turned out for the opening event of the Dream Tour. I had the opportunity to participate in a media forum that included Randy Neville (787 chief pilot), Marc Allen (Boeing China President) and Ihssane Mounir (senior vice president of Sales and Marketing for greater China and Korea, BCA).

Landing in Beijing.
A panel discussion at the airport.
Speaking with media in Beijing.
Just like it did at the Dubai Airshow, the interior of this newly refurbished 787 is really catching the eye our Chinese customers, suppliers, government officials and the media. I can’t emphasize enough how beautiful it is and how it really sums up the way we’ve taken the passenger experience to the next level.

Inside the refurbished cabin on ZA003, the third 787 Dreamliner.
Look for more posts as we continue our travels through China—living the dream.
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