Sunday, October 30, 2011

iPhone 4 Siri hack can now connect with Apple servers, deliver useful results:

Siri iPhone 4One of the main differences between the iPhone 4 and the new iPhone 4S lies in Siri, the voice powered personal assistant. Although the iPhone 4 is capable of running Siri, Apple decided only release it for the iPhone 4S, leaving many disappointed.

A while back, hacker Steve Troughton-Smith managed to port Siri over to the iPhone 4, but it was only working locally and could not deliver any actual results, as it could not connect with Apple’s servers. Now, Troughton-Smith has managed to get Siri for iPhone 4 talking with Apple’s servers by extracting some validation tokens from the iPhone 4S and adding them to the iPhone 4. Now, his iPhone 4 Siri port works without any problems, just as one would expect on the iPhone 4S.

By doing this, Steve Troughton-Smith wanted to prove that the iPhone 4 was fully capable of running Siri, and that Apple’s decision to omit it from the iPhone 4 was one of product positioning more than anything else. He also mentioned that he has no plans of releasing the port, since it would be illegal. With this proof of concept in place, it’s only a matter of time before other hackers manage to replicate and release such a solution.

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