Monday, October 31, 2011

Another Boeing Stealth Fighter?:

Here’s the latest bid for what might be the world’s next stealth fighter design. Steve Trimble went to Seoul a couple of weeks ago and was all over the South’s KF-X stealth fighter contest. Well, here’s what’s likely Boeing’s bid on the effort to develop a South Korean stealth jet.

The image comes from a Boeing brochure advertising it’s semi-stealth F-15SE Silent Eagle — the second to last slide shows Boeing’s fighter lineage (there’s a WWII torpedo bomber in there too) and just after the Silent Eagle you’ll see a stealthy looking jet.

This is the third “new” stealth fighter design we’ve seen from Boeing in the last year or so. Keep in mind, this is just a marketing brochure, so the aircraft you see may be nothing like the jet that Boeing actually bids on the contest.

Click through the jump to see this brochure. It’s in Korean but still a lot of fun to look at.

Silent Eagle Brochure

Via The DEW Line.

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