Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Takabisha: Japan Gets World’s Steepest Roller Coaster (Videos)

Takabisha: Japan Gets World’s Steepest Roller Coaster (Videos): "

If you plan to travel to Japan soon and you’re not among the faint of heart, you might want to visit the Fuji-Q Highland, an amusement park that just added a very special new attraction: the world’s steepest roller coaster. The so-called Takabisha [JP] accelerates to 100 mph, has a 43m drop and a 121-degree freefall.

The Japanese roller coaster beat the former record holder, the Le Timber Drop in France, which measures “just” measures 113.1 degrees.

Fuji Q Highland invested $37 million in the development of the Takashiba. One ride takes 112 seconds and costs $12.50.

This video shows what it’s like to ride it:

This time lapse video shows the Takabisha being built:


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