Saturday, June 18, 2011

Emirates advert builds an A380 in 30 seconds

Emirates advert builds an A380 in 30 seconds: "

Emirates might already have 90 Airbus A380s on order but it built a 91st - or at least gave a computer-enhanced impression that it had - on a film set in South Africa, to promote the economic benefits of the Dubai-based carrier's fleet programme.

In a 30-second advertisement actor Maxim Deluc, playing a flight attendant, is shown wheeling a drinks trolley down the aisle while the A380 is put together around him.

Shooting the commercial involved constructing a full-scale fuselage barrel of the A380, on which to film the basic nose-to-tail walk, while the engines, detailed internal fittings and background were filled in afterwards with computer-generated jiggery-pokery:


ek2.JPGEmirates is using the advertisement to emphasise the 'economic significance' of its commitment to the A380 which, it says, supports creation of 200,000 direct and indirect jobs. It adds that 72% of the jobs are in France, Germany, the UK and Spain - hence the European flavour of the advert, which shows the A380 being assembled to an accompanying refrain from Strauss' Blue Danube waltz.

This video shows how the advertisement was put together, which also features a few facts about the aircraft's manufacture you might not have previously appreciated: 'Six continents contribute to a single A380,' it says. 'Everywhere but Antarctica. Sorry, penguins.'


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