Monday, May 2, 2011

In Case You Missed It: DT’s Weekend Roundup.

In Case You Missed It: DT’s Weekend Roundup.: "

Here’s your weekend roundup of of defense tech-related stuff that we didn’t get to write about last week:

First off, the picture above; it’s probably the best quality image of China’s J-20 stealth fighter to emerge so far and China Defense Blog posted it yesterday. Blow it up and go wild, all you armchair IMINT analysts,

Next up, Danger Room brought us this piece about the Air Force’s plan to use tiny drones to covertly spray “tracking dust“on targets. The dust would allow U.S. forces to track a person of interest until, well, they decide to kill that person (or capture them, I suppose). As Danger Room points out, the Air Force says the spraying drones could be used for everything from tracking endangered species to friendly troops. But c’mon. We know what it will be very useful for.

Could the F-35 make an appearance at the 2012 Farnborough Air Show? Maybe, according to The DEW Line.


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