Wednesday, April 20, 2011

iOS devices secretly log and retain record of every place you go, transfer to your PC and subsequent devices

iOS devices secretly log and retain record of every place you go, transfer to your PC and subsequent devices: "

Security researchers presenting at the Where 2.0 conference have revealed a hidden, secret iOS file that keeps a record of everywhere you've been. The record is synched to your PC and subsequently resynched to your other mobile devices. The file is not transmitted to Apple, but constitutes a substantial privacy breach if your PC or mobile device are lost or seized. The researchers, Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden, have released a free/open application called 'iPhone Tracker' that allows you to retrieve the location data on your iOS device and examine it. They did not discover a comparable file on Android devices.

The file contains the latitude and longitude of the phone's recorded coordinates along with a timestamp, meaning that anyone who stole the phone or the computer could discover details about the owner's movements using a simple program.

For some phones, there could be almost a year's worth of data stored, as the recording of data seems to have started with Apple's iOS 4 update to the phone's operating system, released in June 2010.

'Apple has made it possible for almost anybody - a jealous spouse, a private detective - with access to your phone or computer to get detailed information about where you've been,' said Pete Warden, one of the researchers.


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