Monday, April 18, 2011

China Wonders About SpaceX’s Rock Bottom Prices

China Wonders About SpaceX’s Rock Bottom Prices: "

It’s no secret that China is one of our biggest trading partners. In fact the country is second only to Canada in terms of the value of goods traded. But space is one sector of the economy where for all practical purposes no trade exists between the United States and China.

China would like to warm the space trade between the two countries, but officials with the China Aerospace and Space Technology Corporation (CAST) recently admitted they won’t be able to match the prices of California based upstart SpaceX.

Founded by Elon Musk, SpaceX recently announced plans for a heavy lift rocket capable of sending payloads to low earth orbit under the long sought after rate of $1,000 per pound. The company recently received praise after launching the first private spacecraft to be successfully retrieved back on earth after an orbital flight.

At a space symposium last week in Colorado, Lei Fanpei, Vice President of CAST, says he hopes to open the doors to trade with the United States in space related products including solar arrays according to a story in Aviation Week and Space Technology. But in the same article, unnamed officials within the Chinese space industry say they are skeptical of the low prices being advertised by SpaceX. The same officials concede the current generation of Chinese Long March launch vehicles could not match the private company’s low rates for LEO payloads.

China is currently developing the Long March 5 which it says will be capable of delivering 25,000 kilograms (~55,000 pounds) to LEO. The new Falcon Heavy rocket from SpaceX is being designed to carry 53,000 kilograms (~117,000 pounds) to LEO.

Animation of Falcon Heavy Rocket: SpaceX


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